8th Grade Math: Today in math turned in their homework from the weekend (section 2.1 practice). We then introduced the distributive property of multiplication from section 2.2 of the textbook. Student took notes and we did a few problems as a class to build examples in their math notebooks.
Homework: Review #7 due Wednesday
7th Grade Math: In 7th grade math students completed a warm up problem and then began working on section 2.4 practice which covers dividing with decimals.
- Finish Section 2.4 practice (odds 1-19)
- Review Homework #7 is due Wednesday
7th/8th Grade Science: Today in science students got back their introduction sections of the dry ice lab reports. We then went over how to make a graph in Microsoft Excel. Students then had time in the library to work on their introduction edits, the materials and procedures, and the results sections to the dry ice lab report.
Homework: none