Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wednesday October 13th

8th Grade Math: Today 8th graders completed a quiz over sections 2.1-2.3.  The initial grading of this quiz indicates students need MUCH more practice with the material.  We will address this over the coming days and have a make-up quiz over these sections early next week. 
Review #10 is due Friday (odd numbered problems on worksheet)

7th Grade Math: In 7th grade math students worked with the Flashmasters on division and multiplication.  We then completed a practice quiz in the textbook to help students identify areas they need to study and practice tonight.  Quiz over sections 2.1-2.4 is scheduled for tomorrow.
  • Study for Sections 2.1-2.4 quiz tomorrow
  • Review Homework #10 is due Friday
7th/8th Grade Science: Today students had time to work on the final drafts of their dry ice lab reports. 
Homework: work on science dry ice lab report