Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tuesday October 5th

8th Grade Math: Today in math students reviewed how to apply the distributive property of multiplication.  We then completed and graded section 2.2 practice in class.
Homework:  Review #7 due tomorrow

7th Grade Math: In seventh grade math students continued to learn about decimals.  Many students did not finish the homework from last night on time.  They are encouraged to finish this assignment and then use one of their late homework passes.  We then joined up with Mr. Jones' class to do  a computer activity with decimals.  However, due to the power outage that plan was put on hold until tomorrow. 
Homework:Review Homework #7 is due tomorrow

7th/8th Grade Science: Today in science we went over what information goes into the conclusion section of their dry ice experiment reports.  We then went to the library and had the rest of the class period to finish the materials/procedures, results and conclusion sections.  
Homework: none