8th Grade Math: Today students turned in their review homework #7 and then they completed a quick pop quiz over the distributive property of multiplication. We then started section 2.3 in the textbook. This section covers combining like-terms in variable expressions. We will continue working through this topic in tomorrow and Friday's classes.
Homework: Review #8 is due Friday
7th Grade Math: In seventh grade math students completed a short pop quiz over decimal operations. They then began working on a internet shopping/research activity where they will have to apply their skills in subtracting and adding decimals. We will continue this activity tomorrow and Friday.
Homework:Review Homework #8 is due Friday
7th/8th Grade Science: Today we did not have science due to MAPs testing. Students should be working on finishing their results and conclusion sections of their paper on their own.
Homework: finish the rough draft of the results and conclusion sections of the dry ice lab report