8th Grade Math: Today in math students finished the Challenge Activity (Mr. Olsen's Bike Ride). We then began working in chapter 2 of the textbook. Section 2.1 introduced commutative and associative properties of multiplication and addition.
Homework: Review #6 is due Tomorrow
7th Grade Math: In 7th grade math students graded section 2.2 practice. We then transitioned to section 2.3, which covers the rules for multiplying with decimals. Students worked for twenty minutes on section 2.3 practice.
- Finish Section 2.3 Practice (odds)
- Review Homework #6 is due Tomorrow (Two problems completed from 9, 13, or #15)
7th/8th Grade Science: Today in science students turned in their
Organize It Projects. We then went over the scoring guide for the dry ice experiment display. Students spent the remainder of the hour in the library working on the introduction section to their write ups.
Homework: none