8th Grade Math: In math students finished the subtracting integers assignment that we began yesterday. Once we were finished we graded it and completed a short "Pop Quiz" over adding and subtracting integers. We then transitioned into taking notes on multiplying and dividing integers.
Homework: Review #4 is due tomorrow (Wednesday 9/15)
7th Grade Math: In math 7th graders continued working with Mr. Jones' class practicing problem solving strategies for math word problems.
Homework: Review #4 is due Tomorrow (Wednesday 9/15)
7th/8th Grade Science: In science students completed a practice activity for tomorrow's quiz over dry ice and properties of matter. We then watched a short clip from a Myth Busters episode to see how they use scientific method on their show. Students started to complete a worksheet to identify the variables and procedures followed by the Myth Busters team.
Homework: Study for quiz tomorrow!