8th Grade Math: Today in class students completed a quiz over sections 1.1 - 1.3. Once the quiz was completed students were introduced to section 1.4 which covers comparing and ordering integers.
Homework: Finish 1.4 practice (evens)
7th Grade Math: Today in 7th grade math students completed a quiz over sections 1.1 - 1.4. The class then worked on notes in their interactive journals for section 1.5 which introduces solving equations with mental math.
Homework: Complete Section 1.5 Practice (evens)
7th/8th Grade Science: Today in science we reviewed what a variable is and how they can affect the outcome of an experiment. We then introduced and defined the terms independent variable and dependent variable. Students learned how to identify these variables and use them in an If/Then format for a hypothesis statement. We concluded class by completing the same lab as Friday, but with major revisions to make the results more scientifically valid.
Homework: none