Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thursday September 9th

8th Grade Math: Today students had a shortened class due to "school picture day".  With the remaining time in class they worked on a  brain busting integers suduko puzzle made by Mr. Jones. Homework: Review #3 is due tomorrow

7th Grade Math:
In math 7th graders graded their homework (section 1.6 practice).  We then joined classes with Mr. Jones to work through a series of measurements & calculations to practice area and perimeter of rectangles.
Homework:  Review #3 is due tomorrow

7th/8th Grade Science:
Today in science students were checked off for completing their homework and then we completed a series of demonstrations to learn more about the properties of dry ice.  At the end of class students shared their ideas for experiments with dry ice.  We then continued a classroom discussion on ways to make their study questions better for an experiment completed in a middle school classroom setting.
Homework: none