Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Wednesday April 8th

7th & 8th Grade General Science: There was no science today due to the 8th graders completing the "Science" portion of the Alaska SBA tests. We will resume a regular schedule tomorrow.
  • Begin researching instruments that they will construct over the coming two weeks.
  • Start gathering supplies from home and coming to school with materials to build instruments
  • Develop a list of supplies for teachers to look for and purchase for instruments
7th Grade Math: Today 7th graders worked on practice questions for the SBA math test next week. Students then continued to learn about percents and fractions.
Homework: 9.3 Practice #4-15 all

8th Grade Math: Today 8th graders completed 10 questions from the Alaska Practice SBA. Students then began work in Chapter 7 which focuses on percents. Tomorrow there will be a re-test for students that did not do well on the original exam.
  • 7.1 Practice #1-23 odds, 24-31 all
  • Study for Test tomorrow. (consider visiting for practice tests)