Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tuesday November 30th

8th Grade Math: Today in math we continued to research and find companies that students will track fictional investments in the company's stock throughout the year.  Tomorrow we will wrap up this activity and move on to the next phase of the "Life Math" unit.  In this next step we will set up safer/more secure investments in CD's and savings accounts to compare to the gains/losses they will track in their stock investments.
Homework: Review #3 is due tomorrow

7th Grade Math: In 7th grade math we reviewed finding the LCM or two numbers, as well as converting mixed numbers to improper fractions.  We then introduced converting fractions to decimals and decimals back into fractions.  Students then began practicing these skills on 4.7 worksheet in class.

Review #3 is due tomorrow

7th/8th Grade Science:
Today we continued an activity where students learned about where the minerals are mined that are used in making the various parts in a cell phone.  Students will finish this assignment in class tomorrow.
