Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wednesday September 22nd

8th Grade Math: Today in math 8th graders went over their chapter test from yesterday.  We then transitioned to a "stations activity" to review absolute value. 
Homework: Review #5 is due Friday

7th Grade Math: In math 7th graders completed a challenging warm up problem and then organized their math interactive notebooks.  Once they were completed with these activities we began working in Chapter 2. Section 2.1 covers comparing, ordering, and rounding decimals.  We will finish working in this section tomorrow. 
Homework:  Review #5 is due Friday

7th/8th Grade Science:
Today in science students made an extra copy of their data from the block period dry ice labs earlier this week.  Students then finished the "Organize It" activity where they create a visual to present information about a topic using provided images (football, hockey, flight, music, movies)
Homework: finish "Organize It" display if not completed in class