Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thursday September 23rd

8th Grade Math: Today in math 8th graders completed a warm up problem and then finished the stations activity that we started in yesterday's class.
Homework: Review #5 is due tomorrow

7th Grade Math: In 7th grade math students received their graded chapter 1 tests and we went over how to calculate a percent (to find their letter grade on the test).  We then went over the test answering any questions.  The class then reviewed how to write a decimals value in words.  Students completed the odd numbered problems from 2.1 Practice (comparing, ordering, and rounding decimals).
Homework:  Review #5 is due tomorrow

7th/8th Grade Science:
Today in science students learned about the elements of design that we will focus on when we complete projects that present information to an audience.  The class watched a power point presentation and discussed how Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, and Proximity can be used to make the visual organization and presentation of material more effective. 
Homework: none