Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thursday August 26th

8th Grade Math: In 8th grade math students finished working on the pre-course assessment for the Pre Algebra book.  The class then began to rotate around the room at various stations to correct their own work and try to identify where their errors were in problems that were incorrect.  Tomorrow we will finish the self-grading process and complete a reflection to help identify areas of strength and weakness in their math background.
Homework: Have parents sign the Course 3 Mathematics syllabus (due Friday)

7th Grade Math: Today in 7th grade math class students finished the pre-course test for the Course Two math book.  Students then rotated around the room to check their work at various stations.  At the end of class we distributed the "Letter to My Math Teacher" assignment and went over the directions for this reflection.
  • Complete "Letter To My Math Teacher"  (be sure to answer each question using complete sentences)
  • Have parents sign the Course 2 Mathematics syllabus (due tomorrrow)

7th/8th Grade Science:  In science class students worked to improve their observation skills by learning and practicing the use of adjectives to describe items that they observed.  They then went outside to find two items that they will make careful observations  of and write a description of the item as if they were an alien from another planet seeing this item for the first time. 

  • Finish Alien Observation lab activity (due tomorrow)
  • Have parents sign the General Science syllabus form (due tomorrow)