Monday, April 12, 2010

Monday April 12th, 2010

7th & 8th Grade General Science: Today in science students got into their groups for the "Vitamins Project" and began the planning stage of the project. Most groups got their research done last Friday, so today was about developing a plan for putting together their skit or board game. Filling out the story map is a big key in developing the script for either the skit presentation or a board game. Students had to have Mr. Olsen sign off on their plan for the coming days at the end of class.
Homework: None

7th Grade Math: In math 7th graders began class with their flashmasters. After five minutes, we transitioned into discussing the distributive property of multiplication. We started with the verbal explanation, before moving into practice problems. After some guided instruction, students were handed a worksheet to practice their skills.
  • Finish section 6.7 Practice (odds) if they did not finish in class.
  • Review Homework #3 is due Wednesday.

8th Grade Math: Today 8th graders began class by practicing their division skills on their flashmasters. We then transitioned into learning about percents and fractions. We talked about how fractions are basically division problems, and in order to convert a fraction into a percentage, you just divide the numerator by the demoninator. We also talked about how to find the percent of a number. After some guided practice, students were handed a worksheet to practice their skills.
  • Finish Section 7.1 practice (odds)
  • Review #3 is due Wednesday.