Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wednesday October 7th

7th & 8th Grade General Science: Today in science students continued work on their deer postcard project. Today was the final work day in class to finish up. We had students focus on the writing portion of the assignment so if any questions came up they could ask Mr. Olsen while in class.
Homework: Finish the postcard project, to be due on Thursday.

7th Grade Math: In math 7th grade students spent some time revisiting a few multiplying decimal problems as a class with some instruction from Mr. Olsen, before finishing up a worksheet for the students to demonstrate their understanding of the concepts of multiplying decimals. Students also did some review problems from the end of the chapter for review for the quiz on Thursday.
Homework: Review Homework #9 (due Friday). Quiz #2 will be on Thursday (section 2.1 through 2.3).

8th Grade Math: In math the 8th grade students started the day with going over a few problems from their homework #8 before handing it in to be graded. We also graded the worksheet from section 2.3 as a class, before doing some more practice problems regarding the distributive property for review before the quiz on Thursday.
Homework: Review Homework #9 (due Friday); finish section 2.3 worksheet for Wednesday and Quiz #2 (sections 2.1 through 2.3) will be on Thursday!