Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tuesday September 9th

7th & 8th Grade General Science:
Today in science students finished their multiple intelligences noteguide. We briefly discussed each of the 9 intelligences before students turned in this assignment. The class then began an activity where they investigated the etymology of words used in science. EXAMPLE: Hippopotamus is derived from the prefix hippo (horse like) and suffix potamus (river). This translates into the naming of the hippo as a river horse. We will continue this activity tomorrow during class.
  • Homework: none
th Grade Math:
Today in 7th Grade Math students were assigned textbooks and instructed on the format that they are expected to use when keeping their notebooks in order. We then launched into Section 1.2 which covers Variables and Expressions.
  • Homework: none
8th Grade Math:
Today students were assigned their Pre Algebra textbooks. We discussed the format they need to follow when taking notes and doing problems in class. Students were reminded that their notebooks would be graded and can be used during a test. We then introduced section 1.1 which covers solving variable expressions.
  • Homework: none